What are Smart Counters?
Smart Counters provide a way to keep track of repeats and additional instructions, such as shaping, while you are knitting from written or charted instructions. To use Smart Counters, the piece must have a one-tap marker.
- If your fabric is simple such as garter or stockinette it may not have a one-tap marker. In this case Linked Counters are a better fit.
- Smart Counters are best for patterns where the fabric pattern rows are written or charted. The fabric might be lace, cables, texture, color work, etc.
- Learn More about fabric patterns.
Two Types of Smart Counters
- Row Repeats
- Shaping Counters
- Used to keep track of additional instructions such as shaping, placing buttonholes, changing yarn colors, etc. Show Me
- Use shaping counters to get reminders of instructions as you move the one-tap marker.
- For example, the pattern says to begin waist shaping on row 5 and begin placing buttonholes on row 7.
- As we work through the pattern and tap the on-tap marker after completing each row, the waist shaping instruction will display when we reach row 5 ( Show Me ) and the first buttonhole instruction will display when we reach row 7 ( Show Me ).
- Select any reminder in the list to see its detail.
- To view your progress, select the shaping counter. Show Me
- When you have completed the reminder, check it off before moving to the next row. If there are multiple reminders on a row, all must be checked off before you can move to the next row.